Hey there. What's your story?

Lilith is a community for women to have casual conversations about serious things.
Whether it's sexual health, mental health, (in)fertility, menstruation, nothing will be censored. We believe that starting these conversations leads to better health and wellness.
Because with knowledge, comes power.

Upcoming Events

Bare It All: Let's Talk Women's HealthFertility

Whether you're thinking of having kids now or in the far, far future, it's never too early to talk about fertility. Just like any other parts of our physical health, our fertility and reproductive health is on a constant change as we age.

👩🏻Expert talk from consultant gynaecologist
👩🏻👩🏻Panel session with 2 women sharing about their experience with IVF
💬Small-group discussions using conversation prompts

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Past Events

Bare It All: Let's Talk Women's HealthMental Health

You don't have to wait until you have a breakdown or burnout to talk about mental health. Just like physical health, there are ways to stay healthy mentally as well.
👩🏻Talks from two experienced psychologists
💬Open conversations in small groups

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Conversation Starters

Have deeper and more meaningful conversations with Lilith Conversation Starters.
52 cards. 6 categories. Unlimited open conversations.

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Get involved

Join our conversations.
Follow us on Instagram. Tell us how you've been using the cards and talk to us about your experiences.